Dear Reader

Random musings on reading and books from a librarian in training.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A poem for every occasion - cat hair

As I engaged in some serious cleaning this weekend, I pondered the eternal questions all cat owners face.

How is it possible that cat hair can attach itself to anything - walls, the stove, blankets, etc.?
How can an eight pound cat shed enough hair to build another cat from scratch?
Do I have any clothes without cat hair on them?

Here's my girl most likely shedding on two sweaters. Why use a rug when there's clothing nearby!

Amazingly, a quick Internet search (Google is there nothing you can't do!), yielded a cat hair poem. I especially enjoyed the health part, seeing as my cat's vet bills are much, much more than my medical bills.

Cat Hair (parody of Scarborough Fair)
Cat Barson, December 2, 2004

Why is my house is full of Cat Hair?
Meow mix, litter, catnip, and fur
Cat hair is now my favorite thing to wear
Since my cat wants me to only love her.

If I tell her I'm going away
Meow mix, litter, catnip, and fur
She'll tear up the house within a day
Since my cat wants me to only love her.

And when I let her outside for to stray
Meow mix, litter, catnip, and fur
She brings back squirrels, mice, and blue jays.
Since my cat wants me to only love her.

Then when I take her to the vet
Meow mix, litter, catnip, and fur
My health insurance rates can pay the national debt
Yet through this all, I only love her.

So now that my house is full of cat hair
Meow mix, litter, catnip, and fur
I can kiss farewell to my leather chair
Since my cat wants me to only love her.

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